The issue of poor air quality in Indian cities has captured a major share of the public debate space. There’s renewed thrust on consumer appliance companies to remind us the worsening quality of the air we breathe.


Marketers seem to be quickly cashing in on the ‘opportunity’ and launching newer and costly models of purifiers of water and air. To make prospective consumers become aware of how filthy the air and water they take, companies are coming up with campaigns like #Right2Breathe which involves distributing both virtual and physical pollution prevention masks. When cities gear up to celebrate a silent Diwali, it’s celebration time for marketers.

Water purifier market is now worth Rs 4,500 crore market, growing at 20% annually while air-purifiers, though nascent, valued at around Rs 1,000 crore, is expanding at 40%. The growth opportunities have enticed several companies to jump in with a whole range of home appliances where anti-pollution products play a key part of the portfolio. Even the air-conditioner is being turned into indoor pollution control device, probably mere marketing gimmicks as putting in real air-purifying filters would prevent the AC from doing its primary task of cooling the air. Surely, many are making merry on pollution.