Everyone would want to move ahead in the business wager. Each person wants to surpass the complexity of the business and be at the top in the sphere of business. Majority of the small and medium scale corporate houses focus more on the competitions, its strategies and activities rather than their own business. They would want to see how their competitors are failing. Their main emphasis is on, how can their companies or their strategies move beyond others. They are interested only in their opponent’s failure to succeed, rather than succeeding themselves. 


There are many examples of the same in the corporate culture. Often senior leaders look for opportunities to pull down each other during the meetings, to satisfy their egos. During the meeting, they would be in search of such a matter, through which they can deplete them. But there are leaders who give space to others, appreciate others in public for their better performances and there we see the real, authentic leadership. 

During the discussion, when one of the leader allow others to opine or put forward his or her thoughts and agrees to them, which shows the feelings of power to co-operate.  The true leader is the one who put aside his ego and accepts other peoples’ opinions and over the time, they get the prominent place. 

Power to co-operate is a key to become a better individual. The fundamental of it is to co-operate with others and create a win – win situations. The person who comes out of weak or negative mentality and cooperates with others, soon become a successful person because his heart is absolutely    clean and people around them can feel that.  

Being a simple-minded person and cooperating with others are the characteristics of an admirable leader. The old school of thought says, ‘It’s the age of people, who are tough…’ Leaders with weak/negative attitude or who are self-centered can never become a good leader and cannot achieve long term success. The only person, who supports others and works as a team, can be a successful and the best leader. 

If you want to be benefited in the long run, first see the benefits of others. The true and successful entrepreneur is the one who first give the benefits to others. The customer will bring benefits to you, if you earn for him first. 

If there will be a mutual cooperation or collaboration, business will get the new glow. One needs to maintain the long-term relationships to be successful in the long run. Short term & selfish relationships cannot fetch the long-term success. Those who believe and implement, the principles like ‘Power to Cooperate’ and ‘Let’s go together’ can become big and professionally managed organisation.

(The Author is a Management Expert)