Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh's daughter Sara Ali Khan has already started shooting for her debut film, Kedarnath. The pretty lass will be seen opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in the Abhishek Kapoor film. But looks like Sara is determined to give her debut film, all that's she's got. 


Sara has been frequently spotted heading for and coming out of the gym. And now, she's also included pilates in her workout regime. 

Pilates expert Namrata Purohit shared a video of Sara, performing a routine which is for toning inner thighs and quadriceps. She captioned the video on Instagram writing, "My #PilatesGirl #SaraKhanAli doing the side step ups on the stability chair. These really work the gluteus, inner thighs and quads, also challenging stabilisation!”

Well, we're mighty impressed by Sara's dedication and earnestness for her Bollywood debut film. Are you? 

Watch the video right here and let us know in the comments: