Badruddin Jamaluddin Kazi aka Johnny Walker, who was one of most famous comedians in Bollywood, known for his hilarious roles, was loved by millions for his funny performances. He got his on-screen inspired by Johnny Walker whiskey because of the drunk characters he portrayed in movies.


But do you know that Johnny Walker used to work as a bus conductor for the BEST (Bombay Electric Supply and Transport) bus service before he became an actor. As per reports, he worked at the Dadar bus depot for several years. During his time as a conductor, he would often entertain passengers with his humorous antics, making them laugh. It was during this period that actor Balraj Sahni noticed him. Sahni was writing the film Baazi for Guru Dutt and was impressed by Kazi's talent. He introduced Kazi to Dutt, who was so amazed by his portrayal of a drunkard that he immediately wrote a role for him in the movie.

Despite being known as a drunkard in films, Johnny Walker never consumed alcohol in his entire life. As a devout Muslim and a strict teetotaler, he abstained from drinking. This irony added depth to his performances, as his on-screen persona sharply contrasted with his real-life character. Johnny's portrayal of a drunkard sidekick in movies always brought smiles and laughter to everyone's faces. His husky voice, and wacky body language added a special flavor to his acting talent.

On his relationship with Guru Dutt, who purposely wrote characters and dialogues for Johnny Walker to make him a part of his films, Johnny had said, "he used to tell me - Here's your scene, your dialogue. If you can do better, go ahead. In every rehearsal I would come up with something new. Guru Dutt used to love that. He used to look at everyone on the sets and see if the light boys, the cameraman, the assistants were laughing at my dialogues. Guru Dutt then had an assistant to write down whatever I said in the rehearsals. That's how we worked."

Despite facing ups and downs in his career, Johnny Walker received numerous awards for his exceptional performances. With a career spanning over many years and appearances in more than 300 films, he remained dedicated to his craft. Even during his later years, he continued to work, making his last appearance in Kamal Haasan's film Chachi 420 as a makeup artist carrying a bottle of alcohol. Although he passed away in 2003, Johnny Walker's legacy lives on through his magnificent body of work.