In light of the Me Too movement, Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi has decided to include a clause incorporating the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redresal) Act, 2013 in his production company's (Emraan Hashmi Films) employment contracts. 


The step has been taken to safeguard women and forewarn men to not cross the line. 

"Such clauses are already in contracts in several industries, including MNCs. No film production company has enforced it so far, but with the #MeToo movement that started a decade ago, picking up steam in the West last year and inching towards India, with someone being outed almost every hour on the social media, such clauses have become imperative. In my company at least, it will include both male and female cast and crew members," the actor told Mumbai Mirror.

"Sexual harassment can not and should not be tolerated anymore. The guidelines need to be in place. We at EHF have taken a step to include the right clauses in our contracts where any gross misconduct of this nature will be looked into as a legal violation. These are baby steps, but we need to start somewhere," Emraan tweeted on Thursday. 

“I usually discuss the intimate scenes with co-stars in conjunction with the director to ensure transparency and comfort. There have been times when we have called off a kiss, an intimate scene, or an uncomfortable dance move if my co-stars were not comfortable,” Emraan told the portal. 

“Men need to be more cautious and sensitive, they need to get their act together. Women have found a voice and platform to be heard. Nothing remains or should remain behind closed doors anymore,” he concluded.