Jacqueline Fernandez has been part of a few action-oriented projects like Kick and the earlier instalments of Race. However, the actress hasn’t really got a chance to kick some butt for any of those films. But that will change with Race 3, where she pairs up with Salman Khan. 


After wrapping up the Mumbai schedule, director Remo D’Souza and his team now move to Bangkok and then to Abu Dhabi. The schedule in both these places will have the actors filming some high-octane action sequences. Though Jacqueline is in great shape, she is hitting the gym big time to prepare for the gruelling shoot. A source says, “A love song featuring Salman, Jacqueline, and Daisy Shah will also be shot in Bangkok. The whole team flies to the Thai capital tonight.”


After filming three songs and a few heist scenes in Mumbai, Remo is gearing up for the foreign schedules. “The one at Bangkok will have an intense action scene featuring Jacqueline,” reveals our source. Later, the team will shift their camp to Abu Dhabi for a month. “The remaining portions will be filmed at the UAE capital. Jacqueline has a few more action sequences. They aren’t stunts but hand-to-hand combat scenes, for which she has been training in mixed martial arts,” adds the source.


Besides working out, Jacqueline is on a strict diet. Says our source, “She has to follow a specific diet regimen for a few days. She is drinking more fluids throughout the day. In the morning, she has a cup of coffee and dates. Lunch usually comprises spinach, an egg and half an avocado. In the evening, she has a protein shake and for dinner, half an avocado.”