Fashion designer Masaba Gupta has often opened up about how she was subjected to racism during her growing years. She had also shared the comments and DMs she receives on her social media pages about the way she looks and about her parents. For the uninitiated, Masaba was born out of wedlock to Neena Gupta and legendary cricketer Vivian Richards. Now, during an interaction on Mojo Story, the ace designer recalled how she was called a 'b****rd child' by her schoolmates.


Masaba stated, "It was reactions of friends and acquaintances, people who you thought had your back that affected me. A friend of mine brought up the colour of my skin every time I asked her about what to wear, what subject to study or what sport I should play. I thought it was bizarre."

She further shared, "However, more than the colour of my skin, it was about the relationship of my parents. I remember being called a b*stard child a lot. Lots of boys in my school will ask ‘is she the ba**ard?’ I didn’t understand what it meant and I went and asked my mother when I was young and she explained it to me by the book. She said this is what it means and be prepared to get more of this."

Masaba went on to say. "I played professional tennis in school and I was permitted to come late to the class as I was playing for the state. The boys in the class will open my bag, take out my underwear and toss it around. They would make fun of my shorts because I was a bigger girl. They would be like ‘is it all black inside from the colour of her skin’. You think you outgrow it but you don’t."