'Gulabo Sitabo's song 'Madari ka Bandar' was unveiled earlier in the day. Bollywood singer Tochi Raina caught up with DNA in order to talk more about the movie, the song and how is he spending time during the lockdown.


Tochi Raina was also curious to be able to work in fight against COVID-19 and promised he would love to host a concert for the same. Still pained after death of his dear friend Wajid Khan, Tochi spoke about how is he dealing with life currently.

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

Is your version (the reprised version) of Do Din Ka Mela' part of 'Gulabo Sitabo'?

No the reprised version is not, instead the original song sung by Rahul Ram is in the movie along with my other song 'Madari ka Bandar'.

With a film releasing online, is there a fear that songs might go unnoticed in a movie since audiences can easily press the skip button and continue with the story unless the song is part of the story?

No, somewhere I disagree with this. For me, music is a very soulful art. I believe if a song is good, has a soul of it's own with meaningful lyrics, it will definitely work. I've given my heart and soul to this song too, so let's see how the audiences react to it after watching the movie.

Have you been catching up on old friends during the lockdown?

Well, I believe in simple living and high thinking, so I don't have many friends to chat with. But yes, whenever I meet them I cover it up by chit-chatting and reliving our old times. Otherwise I am pretty old school.

What is your life like under the lockdown?

I am a morning person, I get up 3:30 AM to meditate and pray to the Almighty for the betterment of the current situation. It's a tough time for all of us and as a rightful citizen, I've been following the orders and staying home.

Are you planning on doing music concerts to raise charity and help in the fight against COVID-19?

I previously have done charity shows called 'My life my journey' and 'Artist Aloud' along with Usha Uthap Ji and many more. But if given the opportunity, I would definitely want do a charity show to help in the fight against COVID-19.

What's next for you?

I have a couple of projects lined up for the year. But, it's too early to talk about it because I am not sure if they will be a theatrical release. So, yes things are in pipeline and I promise you will get to hear more of me in the coming years.