Drive through the lanes of Hanumanthanagar and you will miss it, but slow down and you’ll be tempted to drive right in. Located behind BMS College of engineering is Mini Punjabi Dhaba, fondly referred to as MPD. It is a little car shed turned dhaba that serves some of the most authentic Punjabi food in town.


With a blue turban and a gentle smile, a pair of sea green eyes welcomes you to an aromatic den of kadai paneer and butter kulcha. A pure vegetarian restaurant, this dhaba serves you with a variety of Punjabi dishes and some lip smacking lassis. Their special version is a must have — it’s a blend of sweet lassi enhanced by a pink, rose flavoured concentrate and has bits of cashews sprinkled on it.

Pradyumna S, who is often spotted at this hole-in-the-wall place says it’s the authenticity of the food that tempts him all the time. “I also go back to live the nostalgia of my college days.” A typical adda for college students, the place is always echoing with chatters and peals of laughter. Informal as the place is, the students write down in a book, all that they have eaten and pay up (without skimping) at the end of their meal. In fact, some are also known to have an account with the place, paying back when they can.

It’s not secret that a place won’t make it very far if the guys behind the counter are not really interested in their jobs. In fact, ask any of the hostel residents who come here and they’ll tell you how all the waiters treat them like family. So, if you want to spend little and eat lots, forget all your diet and gorge to your heart’s content, then head to the one and only MPD.