The new police commissioner M N Reddi said that women safety will be his top priority and would take all possible steps to curb crime against women.


He was speaking to reporters after taking charge as the new commissioner on Monday evening. The out-going commissioner Raghavendra H Auradkar formally handed over the baton to Reddi.

"Women safety will be on the top of my priority list and we will work at the grass root level to curb the crime against women," Reddi said.

He also said that he would not complain about the staff crunch and would make best use of the available staff. "Stringent action will be taken against anti social elements. I will conduct a meeting with other officers soon," he added.

The out going commissioner Auradkar said that he was content with the work he had done during his tenure as the city's top cop. "We have handled all the cases well in a professional manner," he said.