Vehicle thefts are increasing at an alarming rate in the city. Everyday, several two-wheelers and four-wheelers are being stolen in the city. However, now, there is a way to curb this. Prof B Krishnappa, former principal of MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, has come up with a new gadget called the Vehicle Ignition Inhibition System, which not only puts an end to vehicle thefts, but also prevents drunken drivers to start or move vehicles.


How it worksThe device can be fitted on the dashboard of a vehicle and the driver has to enter a pass code on a keyboard in the correct sequence after inserting the ignition key. All these operations should be completed in 10 seconds.

If the driver fails to do so, the device resets and the operator has to repeat the process again. This model also tests the vision and steadiness of the operator. The gadget’s highlight is that one cannot succeed by entering codes based on guess work. Multiple attempts will cause the device to go into a sleep mode.

It wakes up only after 30 minutes. Since it uses the alphanumerical code, only the owner can start the vehicle.

The device also checks the physiological condition of the driver.

“It checks the conditions of the sensory organs, such as vision, finger dexterity and steadiness of the hand. If the driver is not steady and alert, he will not be able to overcome obstacles on the road. The device will not let him start the vehicle if it senses that the driver is not steady,” said Krishnnapa.