Nalanda Talent School, Kolkata, represented by VSP Abhishek and R Sri Krishna, emerged as national winners of the Texas Instruments Science & Technology Quiz 2011 held in Bangalore on Sunday. The team overcame stiff competition from finalists from Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, and Bangalore. The trophy was presented by Biswadip (Bobby) Mitra, president & managing director, Texas Instruments (TI) India.  


Sri Sankara Senior Sec School, Adayar, Chennai, and Sri Vidya Mandir High School, finished second and third respectively in the national finals. The event drew an enthusiastic response from school students from Bangalore who thronged the venue and passionately cheered the winners and the finalists. Members of the team that won the national finals were awarded attractive iPADs while their school was awarded a trophy.

 Sri Vidya Mandir High School, National Public School, Indiranagar and Poornaprajna High School, Sadashivanagar, won the regional rounds for Bangalore. The Texas Instruments Science & Technology Quiz has provided a platform for bright, young students of Class 8, 9 and 10 to test their skills of inquiry and scientific thinking. “The talent displayed by students in five cities was amazing. These are the innovators of the future. The quiz has been successful in inculcating a scientific spirit among high school students in the country,” said Mitra.