The police have registered a criminal case against the Pulikeshinagar police inspector, who has been absconding after he was suspended on charges of dereliction of duty in connection with the gang rape of a 22-year-old in a moving car. Meanwhile, the police have also detained two more suspects in the case, Atheek and Imtiyaz, and are questioning them.Mohammed Rafiq, the suspended inspector, has been booked under section 166A of the Indian Penal Code. Under the section, the inspector could be arrested, but he can seek a bail. DCP (East division) Satish Kumar, said, "The inspector was out of reach after he was suspended on Tuesday. We have registered a case and action will be taken against Rafiq. We do not know if he is aware that a case registered against him, but we will find him soon."Meanwhile, based on the information provided by Nasser Hyder, one of the accused, the police have detained two more youth. The suspects however, are giving different versions of the tale, and the police are yet to come to a conclusion about their role in the case.In another development, Atheek and Imtiyaz, told a section of media that they had no connection with the incident. They claimed that they were friends with Hyder earlier, but were not in touch with him from the past few months, as Hyder had misbehaved with one of their relatives during a wedding, leading to a fight between the trio. The duo claim that, Hyder had intentionally told their names to the police during the interrogation, to avenge the incident. Atheek and Imtiyaz also told the media that they were at their houses when the incident took place.IPC section 166A : Whoever, being a public servant – (a) Knowingly disobeys any direction of the law prohibiting him from requiring the attendance at any place of any person for the purpose of investigation into an offence or other matter, or (b) Knowingly disobeys any other direction of the law regulating the manner in which he shall conduct such investigation, to the prejudice of any person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with both.