The recent earthquake in Japan caused them untold pain but their faith was not shaken. This explains why the 11-member all-women group, Team Peace Challenger, is touring the world to raise funds for their country, Japan.


On Sunday, the team opened a photo exhibition at KH Kala Soudha in Hanumantha Nagar on homeless people across Japan, Cambodia, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and India. The funds, they hope to generate, will go towards the relief of Japanese people hit by tsunami.

“On the day of the earthquake, I was at home, when, suddenly I felt the ground beneath my feet shake. Every time the earth shook, I thought it was safe to hide under the table. As I watched glass panes and windows break in my house, I started wondering whether I should stay at home or move out. Many times, I was ready with my bag to head toward a refugee camp,” recounted Evi Kurata, director of the non-profit association.

Kurata, who lives in Kanagama near Tokyo, said over 45,00,000 Japanese were rendered homeless by the catastrophe and they are in dire need of funds to rebuild their lives.

John Devaraj, artistic director of Bornfree Art School International, who selected the photos for the show, also presented Shiroi Hana (white flowers), a 26-minute anti-nuclear, peace ballet about Hiroshima-Nagasaki atomic bombing written and directed by him.

Explaining the ballet, Devaraj said that after the atom bomb was dropped in Japan, biologists had predicted that Shiroi Hana would never bloom again. However within three weeks, the white flowers were once again in full bloom.

“We know that those affected in Japan have the resilience, and the will to fight. This idea is conveyed through the photo exhibition and the ballet,” he said. “If Japan suffers, we all suffer too. In this time of distress, we are all with them. We admire their fortitude and courage, and will provide whatever assistance possible,” said former chief secretary Chiranjeevi Singh, adding that everyone is praying for the tsunami and earthquake victims.