Hapkido is a traditional Korean martial art. It consists of kicking, striking, twisting and throwing techniques, as well as joint locks and pressure point techniques. “It is a way of strengthening the mind and the body; of using the individual's physical as well as mental powers so that they will emerge as a fully integrated human being,” says Indian Hapkido Master Ajit V Todankar, who introduced India to this martial art form through his classes in Mumbai in 2006.


Bangalore, which has many trainers in the other, better-known Korean martial art of Taekwondo, is also all set to inaugurate its first Hapkido training centre. Master Nilesh Jalnawala, technical director of Jalnawala's Sports Training and Research Centre, will be starting hapkido classes in the city by November, he promises.

“A rise in crime has made martial arts popular. All citizens, men or women, need to learn how to protect themselves and Hapkido can help them do that,” believes Jalnawala.

In Mumbai, Todankar has around 400 students in his institution, including many women. “There are many techniques in Hapkido, and fighters have to decide which techniques to use in a split second. If a girl is wearing a short skirt or a sari she cannot jump or kick when she is being attacked. There are blocking techniques in Hapkido that can be used to defend oneself in such situations,” says Todankar.

There are various courses available for men and women, but those who cannot attend classes regularly, especially working women, can join short-term courses of six months. Children above the age of 10 are allowed to join Hapkido programmes. “My future plan is to teach Hapkido to the Indian army and also to the police force,” says Todankar.