Don’t get tempted to dock your dog’s tail or shape up its ears anymore before presenting it in a dog show.


Acting on a petition by Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations, Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) has sent a notification to various veterinary colleges and kennel clubs known to carry out the procedures on pets. Dog lovers and animal welfare activists have welcomed this move.

Incidents of shaping ears of the pet dogs or docking off their tails, amounting to mutilation, are rampant. The AWBI has termed these as offences, with punishment ranging from fine to imprisonment or both.

“Just to beautify the pet, it is pointless and inhuman to make it undergo such painful procedures,” said Suparna Ganguly, president, Compassion Unlimited Plus action (CUPA).

It’s a great move by the AWBI, said Ann Thomas, an animal lover and a marketing manager from the city, who have had brought up 10 dogs at different points of time.

“It’s unreasonable to subject your pets through such horrific acts of violence. If you love the animal, you should love it the way it is and not try to beautify it by mutilation,” she said.

Veterinary doctors say docking and ear cropping are common among pet dogs that participate in dog shows.

“If it is done under scientific manner with anesthesia, it is not cruel. But in many cases, instead of getting these cosmetic surgeries done by professional doctors, pet owners get it done by layman without proper anesthesia. Even when it is done under local anesthesia, the animal gets pain during the recovery period,” said Dr Udayravi Bhat with Prajna Veterinary Clinic at Banashankari.

Thus it is good that the AWBI has banned any form of mutilation on animals, he added.

However, cropping and docking need to be done on dogs that take part in international  shows.  Dr Bhat said many pet owners in Bangalore make their dogs take part in international dog shows.