While the world was celebrating Fathers’ Day on Sunday, hundreds came together in the city at Freedom Park to donate blood for a good cause.  A day-long blood drive was organised by Sanjeevini Hospital and the drive turned out to be educative and helpful for the gathered volunteers. Vinay Vatsayam, chief hospital administrator of Sanjeevini Hospital spoke about several misconceptions among the public when it comes to blood donation. “We organised this blood drive to coincide with the International Blood Donation Day. People need to realise that to donate blood is to give someone the gift of life and especially when it comes to rare blood groups like negative blood groups, there is always a shortage of blood in blood banks,” he said.As for those who want to donate blood, now is the ideal time to donate blood. “This is the season where many people are affected by dengue and we end up in dire need of platelets and since there is always a shortage, more voluntary blood donors are always required,” he said. The day saw more than 400 people come in to donate blood, but Vatsayam said that in order to donate blood, one has to make sure they follow certain rules.“People have this fear of donating because they think they are losing that blood, but the truth is that the blood rejuvenates and in two weeks time you are back in business. But if you have already made up your mind about donating blood, then it is most successful when you have something to eat before you come for a donation,” he said. Vatsayam also said that people have to be above 18 years of age and ought to weigh more than 50kg or blood banks will reject the donor. “You also have to make sure you go to a blood bank that also conducts the standard tests before they let you donate blood. For example people who have diabetes and hypertension should not donate blood and one needs to be screened for infectional conditions like HIV,” he said.