Leading Vedic astrologers, Vaastu experts, and numerologists in Bangalore are a divided camp on the “impact’ of a cobra appearing in revenue minister Karunakara Reddy’s house, but unanimously agree that the the collapse of the 30-foot Dwajasthambam (temple spire) at the Kote Malleswara temple in Bellary, when he went there to perform a puja in the early hours of Thursday,  spells ill luck.

Jyotish Prabhakar AP Velayudhan said, “Cobra represents ancestral wisdom. The Shastras consider the sudden appearance of a cobra in front of a person is a good omen; it is bad only when  one dreams of a snake slithering down the leg or neck. Though the falling of a Dwajasthambam is inauspicious, it cannot be attached to anyone in particular unless he/she is alone in the temple at that point in time.”

While astrologer V Aravind also echoed the same opinion, Vedic astrologer TS Vasan differed: “Cobra appearing at a place means it has come in search of something that the person it has visited has taken away from it. It is an ill-omen for the person. The Dwajasthambam incident says that God is annoyed and bad tidings are on the way.”

KNS Murthy, Vaastu-numerologist said that nothing can be said clearly without details of the person’s numbers, but going by astrology, the appearance of a king cobra could mean both good or bad, depending on one’s “raasi”. However, he maintained that the fall of the Dwajasthambam portends bad for the entire community.

Scholar and Vedic astrologer SN Tekur explained that a cobra’s appearance is not bad in itself, unless the house owner’s Rahu is ill-placed. But the Dwajasthambam collapse definitely shows that the God is angry about something. “Together, the two incidents do not bode well for the person,” he said.

Astrologer Y Bhaskar Shetty is vehement in his view that both the snake’s appearance and the spire falling are dark portents. “The spire is the ‘Garuda Garbha’, the flagpost before the Lord. Its falling is a divine curse for the “king”, because it was kings who built temples in the days of yore,” he said.

Scholar and academician Krishna Kumar added that the breaking of the Dwajasthambam is a bad omen because “the temple Spire” serves as an earthing and its collapse is considered bad”.