One does not really need the advice of experts to extol the virtues of running. Be it inside a gym on a treadmill or out in the open, jogging is perhaps one of the easiest ways to shed the flab and adapt a healthier lifestyle.


The launch of a new sports shoe in the city on Saturday proved that one needs more than just simple sneakers to become a sincere jogger.

“These shoes have been designed to fit and cushion someone’s feet, so it falls flat on the ground while running,” said Keerthana Ramakrishnan, PR head, Nike India, talking about the company’s latest offering.

Chandra Gopalan, managing director of Contour India, says people need to be cautious about what they wear on their feet before taking up jogging or running.

“Running is a great cardio activity as it improves your heart and lungs and it is better than many machines you use in gyms. While you don’t really need any special accessories in order to start running, shoes are very important. People tend to pull their feet inwards or push it outwards when they run. It’s called pronating. So, you need to get a correction shoe or something that will make sure your feet fall flat. Otherwise, you will be injured,” she said.

This can be corrected by taking a simple test that will show if you need correction shoes.

“It’s called a gait analysis and it will show whether you pronate or not. Most leading shoe brands offer it in their stores, so a quick analysis will show whether you need neutral shoes or special ones,” she added.

However, running might not be enough to stay fit, pointed out Gopalan, who also trains people for marathons.

“You will be drained if you don’t supplement your jogging activity with some strength training as well. You need to build your endurance to be able to run at a length,” she added.Advising first-time joggers and runners to take it slow, she said: “Even if you are a fit person, you should not start by jogging for 20-30 minutes. Start off with 10 minutes,” she said.

“Joggers should concentrate on iron content, as running can lead to iron deficiency. You can supplement that by eating a lot of green leafy vegetables, almonds, and nuts. You also need to get some proper protein in your system through milk, eggs, Vitamin C supplements, and orange and lemon juice,” said Dr Karthigai Selvi, chief dietician, at BGS Hospital.

She added that milk was important, as it is a source of calcium, to keep the bones strong.

“You should not starve yourself. To keep the strength, you need to eat complex carbohydrates like potatoes and cereals,” she said. Selvi also said that people should only jog for a maximum of 45 minutes a day.