BANGALORE: Chandrayan has rekindled an interest among the teaching community in Bangalore to explore their creative side and get their student hooked onto astronomy.

The concept of satellites, planets and the sun are explained to the students through games and other activities in the class, Dhiba Samal, head of science department of Cambridge school, said.

The students in the class are made to stand in a circle to explain the concept of orbit. The satellite moving in the orbit is also explained to them through a student moving round the circle. They are also shown animation films on astronomy.
M.R. Jayashree, science teacher, at Deva Matha public school, said the children first develop curiosity in this subject through rhymes where the sun, moon and stars are introduced to them. This is further developed through drawing and painting where they first learn to draw a moon or sun. The concepts are explained better through charts. The students are also shown the models of astronomical bodies made at the school laboratory.
Some schools have science clubs for primary and upper classes where they conduct experiments and models on topics suggested to them by the teachers.

Some of the popular private schools in the city have initiated NASA tour to their students where the gain more exposure to this world of space and astronomy. The students get to make their own rockets, said Shriya Dhinakar, one of the 12 students selected for NASA exploration project last year.

But the primary motive lies in getting the students to know the world better and it should happen when they are young.

This is done so that the children develop interest in this subject at an earlier stage of their life. This is also with the motive that there could be more number of children pursuing astrophysics in future.

Who knows, perhaps one of the students may one day be in a space probe that would be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre to explore a new world beyond our galaxy.