Undergraduate students of Christ University have launched CCTV — Christ Campus Television — which would broadcast campus news. Three trial runs are being conducted, the first of which was held on Friday.


It was started by the final-year journalism students, who are trying to make it as professional as possible. A recruitment process for students from the degree courses, who wished to be part of it, included a round of Just a Minute (JAM), group discussion (GD) and a round where they were given 5 minutes to go around campus, and had to come back with a story to present.

“We were surprised at the variety and kind of stories that students came with. We presumed they would come up with regular ones like dress code and think on similar lines, but what came of it was a refreshing change,” said a student taking the lead initiative, who is also the executive editor.

Of the 150 students who auditioned for it, 70 were chosen. They have formed teams of reporters, editors, and production. While the third-year students would be ‘chief reporters’, first and second-year students who have done an internship with any media organisation, would hold the post of ‘senior reporter’.

“Twelve of the chief reporters are responsible to make sure they cover the events and the highlights of the department,” he said.A regular news bulletin would be telecast on Fridays during the lunch hour, while on Monday and Wednesday, entertainment and professor docu-diaries, will be played out.

“From every department, one of the popular professors would be featured. Also, we have a segment called ‘Your Magnum Opus’, where students with extraordinary talent will be featured.  The journalism students have taken it upon themselves.

The college has 10,000 students and 36 departments. “There are multiple reasons starting this. First, the creative initiatives of each department is confined to it; CCTV will give a chance to everyone to be informed of what’s happening,” said a student, part of this initiative.

The second and third trial would be held on July 22 and 29. The official launch will be immediately after their mid-semester examination, which is after August 12. “During our mid-sem, between August 6 and 13, we are planning to run a mid-sem special,” he added.

The students have been working after college hours and are using their classroom as an office. “The biggest challenge has been to cope with studies, especially since this is quite time-consuming. The entire idea has been put together in a month,” said the editor-in-chief.

The response to the initiative has been encouraging. “Students are serious because they know that by being part of this, they will know if they wish to take it up as a career. And the students will gain a hands-on learning experience,” he said.

“Although there is a lot of learning to do for the students at this stage, it is a good experience before they actually move into the industry. Even though the approach may be slightly immature at times, it’s all a learning experience,” said the coordinator of the media studies (PG programme), who is guiding these students.