While much has been spoken about the callousness of auto drivers in the city, who are often accused of being out on the roads only to fleece hapless passengers, here is a story that tells otherwise.


When auto driver Channa Keshava found a mobile phone left behind by a passenger in his vehicle, he went out of his way to ensure that it was returned to its owner. It all happened when a resident of Malleswaram, Vijaya Savalgi, and her grandson Nikhil Ranganath boarded the autorickshaw to Orion Mall on Wednesday morning. Engrossed in their outing, little did Nikhil realise that his grandmother's phone had slid out of his pocket while in the auto.

As they were about to return home, when Nikhil felt his pockets for the phone, he realised that it was missing, and frantically went around the mall searching for it. As all his efforts proved futile, his grandmother asked him to give up the search and return home. But Nikhil was relentless and was determined to find it. He made numerous calls to his grandmother's phone and all of them went unanswered till, finally, a commuter in Keshava's auto heard the phone ring. She found the phone stuck in between the seat and gave it to Keshava, who answered the call.

"Though we were a little skeptical, Keshava reassured us that he wouldn't steal the phone and gave us his personal number as my grandmother's phone was running out of charge. He even offered to come all the way to Malleswaram the following morning as he had called it a day and was back home in Kengeri," said Nikhil, a class 10 student. "I had told Vijaya madam that I would return the phone at 11 am on Thursday, but I went there by 8 am itself as I knew they were very worried. When I reached their house, Vijaya madam insisted that I come inside for a cup of tea," said Keshava who happily obliged.

While Vijaya and her family were grateful to Keshava, for him, it was just a part of his profession. Keshava makes it a point to ensure that things left behind in his autorickshaw by commuters are returned to them.