In a bid to bring the men in khaki closer to the public, the state police on Friday released a booklet, 101 Things You Wanted To Know About The Police, But Were Afraid To Ask, jointly with the Commonwealth Human Right Initiative (CHRI).


Speaking at the occasion, the director-general of police, ST Ramesh, said ignorance about the functions and duties of the police have created a wrong notion among the public.

“This booklet should help citizen understand the department and demystify the myths about the powers of police. This will also make the functioning of the department transparent,” he said. The 101 Things… would also be uploaded onto, the website of the police department.

Ramesh said he was planning to make the information provided in the illustrated booklet available at all the police stations across the state.

Maja Daruwala, director of CHRI, said policing should be democratic. She stressed on public consultation, saying it should be the bases of any amendment to the Police Act.

“The Kerala government had taken 200 out of 719 public consultations to reform its Police Act. Why can’t other states follow that model? It cannot be termed as democratic until people are engaged in governance. People must come forward to engage with the police and government,” she added.

Although the state government has plans to publish the book on websites in both English and Kannada, CHRI was yet to decide on how to distribute the booklet among the public. “We urge NGOs to come forward and distribute the booklet,” Daruwala said.