Bangalore recently hosted the Global Women’s Summit, organised by the Women’s Information Network (WIN), a media and social network that helps women connect and further their personal and business development.


WIN is a truly global network that believes in bringing together the community and global leaders onto a common platform. The purpose is to connect to and empower women in their spheres of influence through the WIN. The Global Women’s Summit brings local leaders and experts to identify women’s problems and suggest solutions in their community.

It also honours women who make outstanding contributions to family, community and to entrepreneurship.

At the Bangalore chapter of the Global Women’s Summit, the CEO of WIN, Dr Paula Fellingham, spoke about WIN’s aim and mission and the Global Women’s Summit.

You are the CEO and the founder of the Women’s Information Network. When was this organisation founded?The Global Women’s Summit is a division of The Women’s Information Network (WIN). We launched in 2009. We have branches in 152 countries now.

What are the main objectives of the WIN and the Global Women’s Summit?There are three objectives:1. To learn from women about how they can strengthen themselves; to know how they can contribute to the well-being of women globally and at the community level.2. To engage in a dialogue with experts and audiences about women’s issues and solutions to problems.3. To provide a common platform to women so that they can connect and network to grow their businesses, share their ideas, services and so on. Soon, we are going to launch website.

How many countries have you travelled to so far for the Global Women’s Summit?We started on June 1. We went to London, Amsterdam, Nairobi and then we came to Bangalore. Now we’ll be going to Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Brazil, Canada. Our big final Global Women’s Summit is on October 28-29 in Los Angeles.

What are the various issues that WIN focuses on?In Bangalore, there are a lot of women who want to start their own businesses, but they don’t know how. There are many women who want to learn how to use online tools instead of running to their husbands for creating an email address. There are so many free resources online that can help women grow.We also discuss issues that have suppressed women all these years and ways to overcome them.

In Bangalore, we’ve seen renewed confidence and strength in the women. Now, they have begun to believe that they too can work for themselves and start their own businesses to improve their lives. One of the things that WIN helps them with is learning how to achieve their potential.

Have you covered Arab nations to help women in need?We have already visited many Arab nations and we have a strong presence in Arab countries.

What is the background of women who attend these conferences?A lot of them own businesses. I call them “proactive women.” They are looking for ways to improve their lives and businesses to strengthen their personal lives and families.

What is the ultimate mission of the Women’s Information Network?The mission of WIN is to strengthen women and families worldwide through education, enlightenment and entrepreneurship. It’s an effort to eradicate illiteracy and poverty.

You can be an inspiration to many women. Give us an insight about yourself, qualifications and family.I have a doctorate in education in Human Relations. I am the author of five books and I had my own radio show for years. I have been the CEO of three other organisations. I have seven children and 18 grandchildren! 

How did you manage to strike a balance between being a wife, a mother and a working woman?When you become a mother and when you are with your children, you must devote yourself to them. I was a young mother and six children were born in a span of 10 years. I was at home the entire time, attending to them. My family has always been my highest priority. I didn’t start my own business till I was a grandmother. I am 62 years old now, and I didn’t get my doctorate till I was 50. There’s a time and season for everything. You have to give your 100% to what you’re doing. Realise your highest priorities and do your thing systematically.

What inspired you in the first place to start WIN?I have spoken all over the world for many years and I love the women of the world. I know that they have many needs. They need to improve mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and WIN is a forum where experts teach women to enrich their lives. Experts use tools such as videos and multimedia platforms to teach women how to write books, take care of finances and become better mothers.