Ever since the first of April, I have been getting up slightly earlier than usual to beat the heat and go for a walk. My walks had degenerated into mere sauntering accompanied by various neighbours. It wasn’t exercise at all. And the heat made walking seem more like a chore. So one fine day my next door neighbour and I decided to walk for an hour between six to seven every morning.


I normally go to bed around twelve and get up just before seven — so waking nearly an hour earlier was a bit of a stretch for me. Still I dragged my semi-sleeping self out of bed, avoided seeing my morning face in the mirror, grabbed my walking shoes and headed out. The first round was a bit of a blur but once we got into the rhythm of walking and simply drinking in the wonderfully fresh air, I began to feel more alive. I had never noticed the myriad flocks of birds that would fly across the sky at that time of morning or the family of bats in my palm tree that headed home while I headed out. One or two yoga-battered neighbours would return from their early morning sessions with the yoga instructor. Another regular walker would wave at us when he passed.

We talked and walked which is not the ideal way to exercise but it did make it more fun. We started carrying dumbbells for a few of the rounds. We philosophised. We argued. And then we walked some more. Then one fine day, I opened the door to a morning so beautiful, it took my breath away. Simply perfect. Not too bright and not broodingly cloudy but just slightly overcast which is my favourite kind of weather.

I smiled for no reason and felt my entire being fill with happiness. It was not a momentous occasion and I had no expectations when I opened my door but just seeing a day like that out there had me feeling joyful. Every sight was lovelier because of the colour of the light — the greens of the tree leaves looked more alive, the reds of the hibiscus were richer, the white birds flying against a slightly grey sky looked ethereal. How nice to simply feel happy when most days I forget to be happy. For a while I could let go of the stress and the worries that are part of everyone’s life. I didn’t have to think of the hundred things I would have to do when I got back. I didn’t have to think at all. I just had to be. Such a really beautiful feeling.

Ever since that day, I never skip my morning walk. It’s more precious that that first cup of tea sipped while skimming the newspapers. It fills me with energy and a sense of strength to tackle the rest of the day no matter how it unfolds. Its almost like a dose of pure, unalloyed pleasure first thing in the morning. Who can say no to that?