As space missions are the flavour of the season, I ended up watching a song from a mission movie with snippets of some really glamorous women trying to pretend to look like you and me and failing gladly.


It is clear the women are flying out of Venus, where they were presumably locked up by their inconvenient body biology, but there is one clearer pre-condition, and that is, be it Mars or swimming pool, they will be allowed to go there only if they ensure that they look beautiful, and wear things like high heels as a token of acknowledgement that they are ready to suffer any inconvenience for the sake satisfying men’s expectations from them.

As I watch one of them trying to climb out of the swimming pool and getting pushed back by a famous rapper with a single figure in next song, I am forced to think.

Would it be possible for women to ever walk past men and into a future that they want, or they have no option but to first be Man’s women to move to the next level as per men’s terms?

Answer unfortunately can only be given by the women, but they seem to have failed to realise that, so at this point men are happily answering on their behalf.

Female beauty is the most powerful biological button and men will forever want to press it for self-gratification. If women want to step out of the trap that men have laid since eternity, the only solution is to be self-aware about it and also become more aware about the emerging threat of new-found power of modern technologies for exploitation of the visual cortex that dominate human brain.

As forces of commerce are allowing only beautiful women to monopolise the screens of TVs, computers and smartphones, a really scary possibility is emerging.

Finding a mate, traditionally known as marriage was once less driven by looks of the woman as it was a social transaction between two families that accounted for consideration of many other factors. Now it has shifted to personal choice and hence female looks have become far more important as an individual man’s body biology is designed to consider that at the prime factor. Now, with social considerations set aside, female looks are bound to surface to the top of priority.

This shift in the mating process may not have been very bad if women we competing with real human beings but for another even more massive disruption, and that is technology helping visual images of beautiful e-women overwhelm the planet and in turn male brains.

As the forces of commerce are using this dangerous power that allows all men with access to a screen have visual and in turn have sexual gratification from images and now videos of beautiful women, the fate of a normal woman is getting sealed. Being beautiful is almost a necessity for a modern woman if she wants to compete with e-women (mostly photoshopped) streaming from the screens of men across the globe.

It is clear that if women don’t wake up and fight this narrative driven by men, humanity is in for a huge problem.

It may look difficult but we have one hope. We now have a powerful force in from of visual media that controls humanity and hence we now have a single point of power to change the world.

Visual media, especially creative people, more so women therein need to come forward and normalise it. We do see a superficial shift now about issues like skin colour but a lot more genuine and bigger shift is needed in how we make our movies and sell our products using women.