Teachers will now be allowed to carry guns in the classrooms. Preparations are being made to bring a law to two states of the United States, Ohio and Louisiana under which the teachers who teach in the schools there will have the right to keep gun with them. If there is any incident of mass shooting in a school during this time, then these teachers will fight the criminals with their guns. That is, now in schools in America, children will read books under the shadow of guns.


There are currently 28 states in the US, including Texas, where teachers are already bringing guns with them in many schools under the pilot project. And these teachers have also been trained to wield weapons by the governments there. But now this project is being made into a law.

The United States will probably be the only country in the world where teachers will come to school with guns. There is a famous rock band in the United States called Guns N' Roses. But after this law, the culture of Guns N Books will come in America. This idea of arming teachers in schools first came to former President Donald Trump. In 2018, he had said, "Gun culture in America can only be stopped if these weapons are given from bad people to good people.”

Surprisingly, many people in America also believe this to be true. If we talk about India, then our country is a country where there has been a long tradition of Guru Shishya. In our country, Guru has been given the status of God. India is the country where there have been students like Eklavya, who cut off his thumb in Guru Dakshina and gave it to his Guru. But it is not so in America. Today in America, if a student has to give Guru Dakshina, then perhaps he will give many bullets to his Guru in Guru Dakshina.

The thing to understand here is that America is resorting to violence to stop violence. It wants to end the gun culture with the help of guns, which is not possible at all. But today America can learn a lot from Canada if it wants.

A new bill has come to prevent mass shootings in Canada, under which the sale of hand guns has been banned there. And the Government of Canada announced that by the end of this year, it will start a campaign, under which the government will buy their guns from the people at a good price. This will reduce the number of weapons and the incidents of mass shooting will be prevented. America already has 120 guns for every 100 people. But despite this, it is now giving weapons to the teachers too. This will not end the gun culture, but will increase the sale of guns.