The Malabar exercise began in 1992 as a bilateral exercise between the Indian Navy and the US Navy. Later in 2015, Japan became its permanent member, and now Australia has also been included in it. Let us now know the meaning of this practice and how much this exercise will strengthen India's maritime power. How important is this practice for the Indo-Pacific region in terms of peace and prosperity? Simultaneously, how much the maritime security scenario will change after Australia has joined this exercise. At the same time, how much force will Malabar exercise provide to India's Sagar Doctrine?


How important is Malabar practice

Retired Vice Admiral Pradeep Chauhan explains that the Malabar maneuver has increased the naval powers of the four countries of the Quad as much as it was in 2007. Talking about the ultimate goal of a joint naval ship in this exercise is a demonstration of the conflict's actual capability in the maritime areas. Through this maneuver, efforts are being made to give this message (Strategic Signaling) to clarify to a country like China that India is not alone. This is possible because India firmly intends a solution based on rules.

Why is the Malabar Exercise special this time

The Malabar exercise is more special this time because it is done in the Bay of Bengal and is also being done in the northeast of the Indian Pacific, i.e., the Arabian Sea. The first phase of the Malabar exercise was held in the Bay of Bengal. The second peculiarity is that this time every nation has sent its advanced ships in maneuvers. These include submarines, aircraft carriers, and aircraft, etc., which are being maneuvered simultaneously. Therefore it is even more critical. This is also a very indicative exercise for China.

Why the Malabar exercise is being done

Strategic expert Alok Bansal explains that the maneuvers are important so that cohesion can be established between the two countries' navies in the event of war. It also helps to know each other's, communication model. Strategic expert Alok Bansal explains that this is a maneuver of four democratic countries. We did this in 2007 too. After that, Australia was separated from it, and by 2015 only bilateral exercises of India and America were done. Japan joined it in 2015, and Australia has rejoined this year after much deliberation.

What worries China

There is a concern in China that four major naval powers have come together and are practicing together in the Indian Ocean region. This practice makes a difference because when navies practice, they can operate together when it is time for war. Strategic expert Alok Bansal explains that it is not in the Navy that you bring anyone from anywhere and say that you operate together. If the ships have not practiced together before, it will be challenging for them to work together in operations.