India has quite rightly joined in the international condemnation of Israel’s attack on a flotilla of humanitarian aid ships on their way to the Palestinian enclave of Gaza. At least 10 people have been killed and it is feared that the death toll will be higher. The convoy was attempting to break an embargo placed on Gaza by Tel Aviv and was carrying 10,000 tonnes of supplies. Israeli commandoes rappelled down into the ships from helicopters and allegedly opened fire on the aid workers and activists on the ships.Lately, India and Israel have moved closer together but this did not prevent the ministry of external affairs using stronger language than it has for decades. The statement read, “There can be no justification for such indiscriminate use of force, which we condemn. We extend our sympathies to the families of the dead and wounded. It is our firm conviction that lasting peace and security in the region can be achieved only through peaceful dialogue and not through use of force.” Israel, however, seems set upon its course of using force to deal with the issue of Palestine. Its intransigence has led to it losing international support over the years.  The United Nations is planning an emergency session of the Security Council to discuss the matter. Israel stands practically isolated with regard to its Palestine policies and it now seems to depend solely on the United States to support it. The US is in the unenviable position of having to defend two of its oldest allies from the consequences of their own behaviour — the world no longer looks upon Israel and Pakistan with as much tolerance as it once did. The convoy which was largely Turkish, also included Americans, Palestinians and Europeans.It seems that the amount of time that it has taken to deal with what  is euphemistically called the “Middle east crisis” has only been detrimental to its solution. Positions have hardened over the years on both sides and violence — niggling attacks by Palestinians answered by resounding thumps by Israeli forces — has become the norm. Both sides have fallen prey politically to the radical rightwing and prospects of peace have moved away even further.


Sadly, as long as Israel behaves as if it does not belong to the comity of nations and will not therefore abide by accepted international norms, questions about its existence will become more strident. Having taken the law into its own hands with utter disregard for human life, Israel stands once more at the brink.