An age-old debate will once again be kick-started, as the state is set to execute a 19-year-old man for raping an infant in Rajasthan. Attitudes against child rapists have hardened since the Nirbhaya incident and the fact that the government has responded to public demands for justice is welcome news. While liberals may cry foul, the fact of the matter is that the rape of children is something that cannot be tolerated at any cost and thus it is welcome that the government is sending out a strong message. While no one denies that the death penalty is something the state should implement only as a last resort, there are certain incidents that go beyond the realm of forgiveness. 


The Nirbhaya incident, Kathua, and the latest incident in Rajasthan, is something that no right-minded person can either forgive or forget. Moving on from this, we must then turn to the laws of barbarity. An individual who is willing to hurt a helpless child in a savage manner or even attack an infant, is someone who has no scope for reform and has no place in society. He must be given the death penalty without delay. There are some who argue that giving the death penalty is catering to public opinion. They could not be more right. 

Public faith in India’s judicial system has been eroded and people in the country need to see that justice is on their side, safeguarding them from evil men who harm and even kill their children. Only through such tough action can India’s children be truly safeguarded. The death penalty is a sad decision, but the right one.