The creation is a complete whole, the sum total of positive and negative, black and white, darkness and light, sound and silence. What is light without darkness? What is sound without silence? It is the existence of opposites that gives meaning to the whole.


Having unveiled the deepest secrets of creation, the vedic seer gave the world the concept of purna or a complete whole, more popularly known as shunya and taken to mean ‘nothing’. This shunya forms the basis of modern arithmetic, geometry and the number system. It is well known that the number system we now know as ‘Arabic numerals’ in fact travelled from this side of Indus to the Arab world from where the Europeans learnt it and exported it back to us.

Pythagoras travelled from Samos to the banks of Ganges to learn Geometry; the universally accepted and applied Pythagoras theorem made its first appearance in the Sulbasutras, some 1,000 years before Pythagoras.

What is it that made the vedic gyaan cradle of all modern sciences? What was the source of knowledge of the vedic seer? The answer is the Guru’s grace which revealed entire vedic philosophy — physical sciences, music, dance, drama, art of war, poetry etc — to the Vedic seer.

However, modern day man need not feel inferior to the Vedic seer, as creation is limitless, and so is gyaan. The modern day man can also access the complete Vedas and much more by doing the right practices.

Even after three months into the basic practices of Sanatan Kriya, practitioners are able to see geometrical figures — triangles, squares, prisms, pyramids, etc — without any autosuggestion. If they can see them in present times, one can only imagine the state of the rishis who gave all these sciences, who taught Aristotle and Pythagoras. At Dhyan Ashram, we invite the non-believers and the believers to come and practice the various kriyas which will open the doorways to the hidden/unhidden secrets of creation as per one’s potential and dedication. As an experiment, I give a simple technique: on a full moon night, connect with the moon with your agya chakra for half an hour, then lie in shavasan, stilling your mind. Write to me about what you saw.

Yogi Ashwini is the guiding light of Dhyan Ashram and can be reached at For more details, visit