When you feel depressed, know that you are creating particles of depression around you. Those ions of depressions go and stick to the environment. Have you experienced this? You walk into a room and suddenly feel angry vibes. You were all right a few minutes ago but the moment you walk in, the anger and tension overtakes you.


Today there is a lot of talk about protecting the environment, bringing up more greenery, recycling and using more natural and organic substances. A few years ago, this was not an issue at all.

Like we pollute the earth and the water, we also pollute the subtle environment of feelings and emotions.

Man has become a victim of his environment. He is not in control of his mind. We pollute our environment in a very subtle way through our negative emotions. But it takes some time to clear the environment of this. So how do we handle it? We hear a lot about others in life but we spend very little time hearing ourselves. This is most unfortunate. Then what is the solution?

Our body has the capacity to sustain the vibrations of bliss and peace longer than it does negative emotions. Through the help of meditation and certain breathing techniques, we can easily get over our negative emotions. Take some time off to look a little deep into oneself and calm the mind down. Thus, erasing all the impressions we are carrying in our minds, we can experience the divine that is the core of our existence.