What makes things good or bad? We are caught up in being either good or bad. Can you unfold more on this subject?


The perception of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is not external. For example, a war is bad when it is fought with bad intentions, but it is good when fought for a nobler cause. What makes anything good or bad is our intention. In fact good or bad are our states of being. If our being is mechanical, events around us turn out to be bad. We are conscious beings. Not operating from consciousness is like turning away from our basic nature. In such a state, our perception gets poisoned. Being conscious of our thoughts, feelings and opinions helps us see that we are not victims of conclusions that are pre-programmed.

Is it OK if I consciously flirt in a relationship? As you say, being conscious is right. Isn’t there something wrong with this chain of thinking?

You are a victim of your own logic. Be inwardly free from compulsive thoughts and see what kind of feelings emerge. If you do so, the inner freedom will allow you to connect with your partner. Connected — not sensuously, but sacredly. This would make you complete. In this state of completeness, there is no need for you to flirt.What is wrong in flirting? Is it not a beautiful sport?

Give a relationship time to go deep. If, however, your relationship comes to a dead end, then severing it is wise. There is beauty in depth, there is a shallowness in flirting. A relationship is not a game. It is very sacred. It is not like winning or losing in sports. It is a process where two souls help each other unite in order to experience a unified self.

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