
Reiki changed my life and healed my child

Reiki changed my life and healed my child

It couldn’t have been more filmy, except, it was really happening. It was well past midnight on a stormy night in Bangalore. The rain was beating down relentlessly and lightning and thunder tore open the sky. I was soaked under my umbrella, clutching on to my tiny five-week-old sick baby who was howling his head off with terrible stomach cramps.

My distraught mother was right behind me. We had tried everything to alleviate my son’s symptoms (the paediatrician’s advice was Colicaid, Amma had put hing on his navel, massage, warm compresses... nothing had helped.)

This had become the exhausting nightly ritual for me of sleeplessness, breastfeeding, a baby who had spasms and cramps that would last from 2am to 5am every night, and a string of dismissive doctors who said he was not lactose intolerant, that it was just colic and it would pass. My nerves were jarred, I was sleep deprived and physically drained from the C-section and I had eaten myself up in constant anxiety and worry over my son.

But that night was particularly bad. He had been in visible agony and sobbing non-stop for over an hour. And so in a last ditch attempt, my mother had suggested braving the rain and ringing the doorbell of the homeopath who lived round the corner. So there we were at midnight, sodden and at his doorstep with my carefully wrapped up bundle.

At that point, I did not believe in angels, but I did know one thing, that every time I think I’m about to hit rock bottom and there seems no way out, the Universe has always stepped in and sent help.

That kind old wise homeopath carefully examined my overwrought son, gently asked me a million questions and then put some drops in Ayaan’s mouth that calmed him down and amazingly, he fell asleep. The doctor then explained that my tiny son had reacted adversely to one of his vaccines (apparently not unusual) and that babies can occasionally have a constitutional shut down like this.

He promised me that homeopathy would cure him and then recommended to me that I learn Reiki and start healing my son and myself. I researched it and found that Reiki, which means spiritually guided energy, is an ancient spiritual healing practice that originated in Japan that enables you to heal with your hands. 

Desperate, I found a teacher. It was really simple to learn and I started healing Ayaan several times a day. The effects were almost miraculous. It made my son’s immunity and constitution so strong, we have barely had to visit a doctor in the past few years. His minor ailments, I was able to heal myself.

As for what it did to me— simply put, it changed my life completely.

I have come to believe that all suffering is good as it forces us to introspect and our innate human need to survive pushes us to look for answers. The helplessness and anxiety of seeing our children very ill can sometimes be the impetus to transform us.

Reiki made me spiritual. I started doing my daily Reiki meditation everyday, which kept me internally strong, calm and balanced. It strengthened my immunity so much that in my six years of practice (yes that howling bundle is now a healthy six-year-old), I’ve rarely fallen sick.   

That night set me on a journey that led me down many paths where I learned all five levels of Reiki and over years of practice became a Reiki Grandmaster, healer and teacher. So I owe a lot to two ancient healing traditions, homeopathy and Reiki, both which are exceptionally gentle, side-effect free and work wonderfully for children.

Now, life has come full circle. It isn’t at all unusual for me to have distraught young mothers showing up at my doorstep with their wailing babies for me to heal, and I often tell them the same thing— learn Reiki and heal your child and yourself.

