How does meditation help in our pursuit of success?One wants to be successful to be happy. Being aware helps you to focus your energies in the right perspective. Through awareness, a magnetic centre opens, while unawareness activates a mechanical centre.Through deepened awareness, you will be calmer. Calmness inwardly makes you take a right decision. You know when to proceed and when to stop. Inner calmness is a great spiritual guide, similar to homoeostasis — a balancing principal in our body. Silence is a wise principle in oneself. It is the expression of ‘higher self.’Can you illustrate through a narration?A worker at his workplace realised that he had not offered prayers that day. He forgot to bring his prayer book. He knelt down with a prayerful heart and said humbly, ‘Oh, Lord, I have not brought my prayer book, but you are all-knowing. So I will read out alphabets from A to Z, as all prayers exist in alphabets from A to Z. Kindly put them together so as to form the right prayer that I do not remember.’And the Lord said, ‘Of all the prayers, this is the best prayer.’When there is inner calmness, some order will emerge. Some sanity will emerge. Meditation brings this silence.What happens when there is no silence?Firstly, your health gets affected. Unhealthy chemicals may be produced in the body. And your body may attract diseases. Disease means when ease is disturbed. Mentally, you always plan and in a state of preparedness even when not required, it creates a mental fog... tensions pile up creating a hurt body. This is called a subtle body in Indian scriptures.With this, you will pick up unessentials in life and suffer.We waste our lives asking for unessential and suffer. In a state of inner calmness, you pursue what is good for you and be awake to the good that is happening around you.God teaches through nature and experiences. Let us not be asleep, but be awake. Inner silence creates wakefulness. Meditation is the art of being awake.For more details, kindly contact 080 4153 5835 or visit