I have been to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and there can be no comparison with Indian Kashmir. You cannot compare Muzzafarabad to Srinagar or Jammu: it is a contrast. It is like comparing Delhi to a provincial Indian town! During my visit, I had gone to Mirpur, Chakoti and Muzaffarabad. PoK is a vastly under-developed territory. When in PoK, we were closely monitored. There was also a palpable climate of fear and reports of fierce repression. 


Additionally, India controls approximately 55% of the land area of J&K and 70% of its population, while Pakistan controls approximately 30% of the land with China controlling the remaining 15%. Pakistan always maintained that the status of the areas under its occupation wasn't decided, while India was emphatic that Kashmir's accession was a done deal. Just as Pakistan has made constitutional changes in the areas under its illegal occupation like Gilgit and Balochistan, India is well within its rights to make whatever changes it feels necessary in J&K. Just because Pakistan doesn't like these changes doesn't mean these changes are unconstitutional, illegal and violative of international law. 

Sushant Sareen, Senior Fellow, ORF