Lose weight, quit smoking and drinking. Or, save money and stop procrastinating. Everyone is eager to set their own mantra for a fresh and clean start in the upcoming year. It’s that time of the year when one introspects what hasn’t made one the person they ought to be. This way they can set resolutions which will help them achieve their goals and take 2017 by the reins. 


Many revel the end of 2016 because 2017 is new and fresh, just like any other page in the notebook which is waiting to be filled with accomplishments. Thus, a glorified and extravagant goodbye to 2016, should be followed with a promising hello to a New Year. The setting of New Year resolutions is a common tradition in the Western hemisphere, which has now also been adopted by the East. Making promises for a fresh start was conceptualised by the ancient Babylonians, four thousand years ago. During the festival of Akitu, they made promises to the Gods to pay their debts and return any object they had borrowed. 

These promises could be considered the forerunners of the current trend in New Year resolutions. In 46 BC, the Romans practised a version of this. They offered sacrifices to the deity and made promises of good conduct for the coming year. For early Christians, the first day of the new year became the traditional occasion for thinking about one’s past mistakes and resolving to do and be better in the future.

As time went by, the tradition’s religious roots lost their essence, and it has become a secular practice. These resolutions are now focused on self-improvement. 

Out of the people who set New Year resolutions only eight per cent achieve it. Turns out that 46 per cent can’t even keep up with their resolution for a month. One reason for this could be that the resolutions were too far-fetched and ambitious. The elation of setting ambitious resolutions often gives way to frustration due to the difficulty to achieve it.  

The lack of self-belief, not putting thoughts into actions, trying too hard, as well as the procrastination monster are reasons for huge disappointments.

Social media portrays New Year resolutions in a bad light. The meme-makers often mock this practice because of the high failure rate, which can become a vicious cycle for those who really want to work towards becoming better. 

To make resolutions work, one has to completely rewire their current thinking process. It is better to set and focus on a single resolution rather than several. Be specific. Take tiny steps and be tolerant to achieve the fruit.

Celebrate your small successes and reward yourself.  Be internally motivated to achieve your goal.

Be resolute. Be strong. Be motivated. Be patient. Let’s hope that in 2017, everyone is one step closer to the person they want to be.

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