Defending the weak is an important form of selfless service, an it is part of karma yoga, or the yoga of action. Use of force, when necessary for this purpose, is completely justified as an indispensible instrument for securing the desired objective. But any fighting undertaken to defend the weak must be without any selfish motives or hatred if it is to have unalloyed spiritual importance. It resembles, for example, a case of a man who defends a woman being attacked by another man for vile purposes – thuis saving the woman's honour and life, and punishing the attacker and making him repent. 


Or suppose an aggressive nation invades a weaker nation for selfish purposes; and another nation , inspired solely by the noble deire of saving the weak  nation, resists this aggressive invasion by armed force. Fighting in defense of the weak nation can be called non-violent violence.

Non-violence, pure and simple, is based on Divine love. Here one sees all as one's own Self and as such is beyond both friendship and enmity. Never, under any circumstance, does a single thought of violence enter one's mind.

The author (1894 – 1969), was a mystic and spiritual master. For info mail to avatarmeherbababombaycentre@gmail.comHave a spiritual message? Mail it to us at in less than 250 words.