The way you think is crucial to the development of your soul. You are the sum of your thoughts, words and deeds. Thoughts come first, and words and deeds arise out of thought – positive or negative thinking. That is why it is very important to think positively. Eventually all thoughts create energy, so be aware of what energy you are creating.


Negativity can be a soul characteristic or a result of bad training in this life. But mainly human beings get negative when they do not get what they want.  Negativity is an outcome of wrong understanding and a weak, uncontrolled, untrained mind. It is up to you to think positively to combat this because your thoughts eventually manifest in the form of emotions. This is why thoughts are powerful. They manifest physically and emotionally and they shape your soul.

Negativity becomes a habit, a way of living for many people. Even though there is nothing wrong with their lives, they are so used to being hopeless, cynical, bitter and defeated that they are constantly putting out that energy. Like attracts like. Therefore negative people attract negative people and situations towards them, and this pattern is very harmful (for their lives).  Get rid of this pattern and replace it with positivity; do not be afraid to change (in this regard).

The author (1925-2007) was a spiritual channel and a mystic

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