The impertinent question that begs to be asked is what’s the discriminating line between faith and blind faith? Well, when you follow others without using your wisdom, it can be called blind faith. Normally, faith is blind because once you know a thing then there is no need to have faith, whether blind faith or just faith, since now you simply know. It is the element of mystery about a thing that calls for faith. Once you deeply know a thing then the whole phenomenon of knowing becomes complete and total in itself, leaving no room for faith. But when the question is about God, someone says he is a believer in God, while someone else says I believe in nothing. Either way, you are still a believer. The day you drop all the belief-systems, even the belief of nothingness, even the belief that there is no God or the belief of God. The day this belief system is totally eradicated from the root is the day when you experience your moksha, salvation or whatever word one would want to use, it is ok. All bondages and all belief systems are the creation of human mind and truth is beyond mind.


The author is a guru, mystic, contemporary spiritual master.