Q: How do prayers help us?


A: You will be at peace.No matter what material wealth you possess, or what your position or status may be in an earthly sense, peace of mind can be attained only by being on the Godly Goodly Path. In this earthly world a human being goes through ups and downs. However once prayer is a part of your life, you are activating your subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind helps you understand the very nature of those ups and downs. You will not let a problem crush you, nor will you allow success to bring pride.

Prayer brings calm and calmness is required during tough times. If you are calm and positive, and you do the right thing during tough times, you are passing your test; and once the test has been passed the tough times pass as well. So you have changed the nature of the external factors (tough times) by the strength within (calmness).

The author (1925-2007) was a spiritual channel and a mystic

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