Speak to heal not to hurt. A few good words can make a big change in the life of one who  suffers, no matter whether it is physical pain or mental agony. Comforting words may help a broken man to rise up again and find reason in why should he live. Arguments will turn to discussions with composed delivery of words. On the other hand, cussed abusive words may turn relationships sour. Sometimes a level-headed man’s morale is damaged with abuses and he may lose his cool that would lead to disaster. 


When we were young children my father would often repeat “If one speaks only the truth just for 12 years, for rest of his life whatever he speaks, that is whatever words come out from his mouth, would be the truth”. What can be a better message to the younger generation!  The fact of the matter is if you speak only the truth for that long a time, it becomes your built-in program.

Words have magical effect on our mind. My message is, Speak the truth, be pleasant and well meaning. Let’s remain in the quest for Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram.

The author is a reader of dnaHave a spiritual message? Mail it to us at inbox@dnaindia.net in less than 250 words.