I have been doing Japa (chanting) for a number of years without any result. Why is it so?


If we wish to split a large rock, we may have to strike it with a hammer twenty one times. The final blow that achieves success is dependent on the twenty unsuccessful attempts. Although no progress may be perceived until the final victory, all of our efforts to that point are essential. Remembrance of God's Names also may require repeated attempts, but progress is not lost, whether seen or not, all efforts contribute to success. Complete surrender and faith in the Lord require constant effort. Results are not gained by superficial practice. The effort must be persistent and it must reflect our total devotion for achieving spiritual liberation. The Smarana ( repetition of the Name) has to be constant. If you rub a bit of iron on a hard surface, it develops heat. If you continue to rub it vigorously, it can be made red hot, if you do so between long intervals, the iron will become cold and all the effort uptil then is a waste. The work has to be repeated over again.