Believe firmly that the Name is the boat which will ferry you across the bhavasagar -- sea of worldly life. The constant recital of the name of God – any of the million names by which (S)He is identified by human imagination – is the best means of correcting and cleansing the mind of man or woman. For Naamasmaran, no expense is involved, no materials are needed; there is no special place or time to be provided. 


In the earlier yugas, the methods prescribed for realizing the Divine were more difficult like Dhyaana and Yajna. However, in the Kali Age, (as described in the Scriptures), by mere chanting the Name of the Lord, The Supreme Goal is realised. The Name is enough to give you all the results of every type of sadhana. 

The author's 89th Birth Anniversary falls on Nov 23,  2014 Have a spiritual message? Mail it to us at in less than 250 words.