I wish I’d learned earlier how to “retrain” my brain so as to clean out negativity and toxicity so I felt better, stronger and faster when I was first starting out. I wish I’d learned earlier that imagination’s more valuable than logic. You really need to multiply  your vision 20 times and then let the “how” follow. Most people try to figure out what’s logically possible and then develop a strategy around that. That approach breeds mediocrity versus greatness.I wish I’d learned a lot earlier that “the discomfort of transformation is always much better than the heartbreak of regret”.I wish I’d learned earlier that “the key to energy is recovery” and the way to have rare-air stamina is to learn how the brain and body need to be refuelled. I wish I’d learned earlier that “people smell fear” so it’s key to approach all business and personal opportunities from a position of strength and confidence versus from a place of scarcity and weakness. Your belief in yourself will become contagious. Trust me.I wished I’d learned earlier that life can change in a moment. And it’s wise not to postpone all the important things you really want to do today until some fantasy time off in the future. That time never comes.  The author is the founder of Sharma Leadership International Inc (SLI), a global consultancy.