Once an actor came to see Osho in Mumbai. He was a new entrant into the film world. He asked for autograph with a message for him. Osho wrote in his book: "Act as if it is real life and live as if it is acting."


Osho explained that the sanyasin is one who lives life like an actor. If someone wants to blossom in sanyas living in the thick of the world, he should cease to be a doer and become an actor, become a witness. He should live in the thick of life, play his role, and at the same time be a witness to it, but in no way should he be deeply involved in his role, be attached to it. He should cross the river in a way that his feet remain untouched by the water. It is, however, difficult to cross a river without letting the water touch your feet, but it is quite possible to live in the world without getting involved in it, without being tied to it.

He elaborates: In this connection it is necessary to understand what play acting is. The miracle is that the more your life becomes play acting, the more orderly, natural and carefree it becomes. If a woman, as a mother, learns a small truth, that although the child she is bringing up has been borne by her, yet he does not belong to her alone, that she has been no more than a passage for him to come into this world, that he really belongs to that unknown source from which he came, which will sustain him through his life and to which he will return in the end, then that mother will cease to be a doer; she will really become a play actor and a witness. 

Swami Chaitanya Keerti​ travels around the world to facilitate Osho meditation retreats

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