When an athlete retires from active sports, we often hear the person saying “I want to give back to the society”. And so, in one capacity or the other they reconnect themselves with the sport they have played during their heydays.


For example, a former tennis player or footballer or cricketer either returns as a coach or a selector. What is their main objective behind this? By staying connected with the game, do they sincerely want to help young aspirants achieve their dreams or is it something else? It is really difficult to ascertain and read their minds.

If serving means sharing knowledge and experience then that should come for free, something that comes straight from the heart. Isn’t it? In most of the cases, though, that is not the case and there are monetary expectations. Then the question arises, if a person wants to serve the society why are there any kind of expectations?

They say that in the 21st century nothing comes for free. So, does that mean we lack genuine sportspersons who willingly contribute towards the development of the game?

The answer is no. But there are exceptions too. We do have generous donors like Mahendra Pandya, Jamshed Chinoy and Mansingh Chauhan who have burnt their own pockets and time, and have worked for the betterment of the game. In the past, in matches at MG Science ground and LD Arts ground we have seen Pandya offering free services as an umpire.

If he found players waiting for an umpire’s arrival, he made sure their time was not wasted. He used to inform the concerned person and ensure that the show started on time. Former national player Jamshed injected discipline among the underprivileged children of Gulbai Tekra region.

A team named Sharpshooters was formed and it provided a platform for these deprived but talented footballers to exhibit their skills. Among them, one Rama Makwana, a driver by profession, made the most of the opportunity that came his way.

Based on his performance, Makwana was selected for Homeless World Cup, a competition organised for neglected section of the society, held in Poland last year. It was a big moment in Makwana’s life.

On the other hand, considered to be one of the best footballers Gujarat has ever produced, Mansingh Chauhan’s doors have always been open for all football enthusiasts. He passed on his football knowledge to every tom, dick and harry without charging a penny. He never inquired about their caste, religion or class. He is as passionate about training and helping football aspirants as he was about playing the game.

There is one incident that strengthened my belief that there is no dearth of genuine ‘donors’. A multinational company joined hands with a local football club, Kahaani, to promote football, especially among the unfortunate (deprived) children of the society. I don’t know how many corporates are seriously involved in this kind of CSR activity where sports and sportspersons are encouraged. But this company has.

It has started a free football clinic in Vejalpur area of Ahmedabad city. The organisers had a few apprehensions, whether the clinic shall continue for even more than a month or not. But it has. Along with uniform and football training, participants learn values of life.

The camp, which has accommodated children of surrounding areas, spreads positive vibes. Pushpaben, a cook at my residence had enrolled her grandson in the camp. She says the camp has given space to her grandson who otherwise would have not got.

It is difficult for people like Pushpaben to chose when it comes to sports. At the camp, all the participants are treated equal, irrespective background or religion. There are a few children coming from Juhapura.

The beautiful game shall also help to bury the ghosts of 2002 riots and other evils undyingly and spread peace and prosperity.

Watching these innocent kids playing football with harmony and with free mind, has made my days. The values like team-effort, friendship and discipline imbibed at this juncture of life will stay with them forever.

I sincerely believe that not any political party but if every individual, who can afford to ‘serve’ the society’ can help to build an ‘ideal nest’.