Recently on September 6, 2013, Gujarat witnessed its first Gay “Pride” in the city of Surat. Now the question which comes to one’s mind is whether it can really be called “Pride”? If we check the dictionary, then the word “pride” means to feel proud. As a gay activist, I have had the opportunity to lead two of most famous Gay Prides in the world. I happened to be the first Asian to open the Euro Pride in Stockholm in 2008.


Then again in 2009, I led the world’s most populated Gay Pride in Sao Paulo with 3.5 million participants. Had I been really proud, I could have organised a Gay Pride in Gujarat long ago. However, I am not at all a Proud Indian citizen. Even though we have won the Delhi High Court judgment in July 2009, decriminalising the homosexual act, the matter is still to be heard in an appeal filed in the Supreme Court.

As of now, I don’t think I have the right to feel proud or to celebrate since homosexuals in India have yet not been assured basic fundamental rights guaranteed by our Indian Constitution. We don’t know whether the Supreme Court will pass a judgment in our favour or not. Both the countries mentioned above have a reason to feel proud. Sweden has gone way ahead and legalised gay and lesbian marriages and even has parliamentarians winning elections because of their sexual orientation.

Sao Paulo Govt has decided to treat the Gay Pride as its National Festival as this event is a huge foreign exchange earning source for the country. Isn’t it too early to organise a Pride in Gujarat and ask for same sex union when we have not got our basic rights as yet?

On a positive note, it was a good initiative by the organisers to have a Pride. At least they got to know how much of Gujarat was represented in the Pride. Out of the total of more than 30 districts in the State not more than 5 districts representatives were present. If it was called “Gujarat” Pride then it is interesting to know that most of the participants were from outside Gujarat and that too from the metro cities, such as Mumbai, etc. Is it necessary to get guys from Mumbai to Gujarat for holding such an event? I feel support should come from within the state rather than depending on outsiders for making an event successful. It was also seen that most gays in the Pride were wearing masks on their face and hiding their identity. If it is called “Pride” then it was contradictory.

I have been working for gay issues for last 18 years and I know for sure that people are yet not confident and comfortable to reveal themselves in public. However, there are activists in Gujarat who don’t want to hide their faces but they were not included.

Lastly, I would like to state that I believe in mainstreaming for expecting any kind of change in the society. A true Pride should be inclusive and not exclusive. It should also include all the people who support the LGBT, viz. parents, educational institutions, government, municipal authorities, Bollywood, etc. I would nevertheless like to congratulate the organisers to attempt the Pride with the hope that the Supreme Court judgment comes in our favour.