PM Narendra Modi in his speech to mark the end of 15-day-long Gujarat Gaurav Yatra gave a sneak peek to his campaign strategy that we will observe in the coming two months. Contrary to expectations, PM didn't announce any big ticket schemes, though he promised to return on 22nd October, so he may get one last chance before the model code of conduct kicks in once EC announces the poll dates.  


But what was evident was the outline of a well-laid out strategy that will guide BJP's election machinery. PM Modi in his pointed speech, explained to nearly a million supporters that Congress has always tried to undermine Gujarat and Gujaratis. To make the point, he gave examples of how Ashok Gehlot tried to deny water to Gujarat as Rajasthan CM, how longest serving Congress CM from Gujarat, Madhav Sinh Solanki was insulted post Bofors just to protect one family. He even raked up the Bullet Train issue and said that by mocking it, Congress is making fun of development in Gujarat. 

"Gujarat polls are round the corner and the Congress has developed fever once again. Gujarat has been an eyesore for the party and the family. I won't repeat what they did to Sardar Patel, his daughter Maniben, and Morarji Desai. They did not speak about the work of Morarji Desai or his dedication and commitment to Mahatma Gandhi's ideals. They instead chose to talk about what he ate and drank," PTI quoted PM Modi as saying. PM also alleged that the Narmada Dam project was delayed for so long just because Sardar Patel had started it. PM said that the coming election is between development and dynasty and accused Congress of undermining Gujarat's growth. 

With caste politics rearing its head in Gujarat, Modi made it a point to say that BJP is an inclusive party which has given fair representation to all segments of society. 

The script of this speech is akin to what then CM Modi said during his re-election bids in 2002 and subsequent state elections. In riot-ravaged Gujarat, he appealed to the asmita of 5 crore Gujaratis and said that outsiders are tried to defame them. It's a strategy which struck a chord with Gujaratis. This time Modi is no longer the CM, and the state under two different CMs in last five years have seen steady erosion of support base of BJP. Thus PM Modi in his familiar turf fell back to his old strategy. It was a lot about dynasty-bashing littered with historical precedence going back to Nehru and how he was afraid of Jan Sangh. Modi reminded them of the 'injustice' suffered by Sardar Patel, Morarji Desai and other tall leaders. Alongside he mentioned the several schemes which BJP have done to transform Gujarat especially the Northern parts.

But with BJP being in power in Gujarat for close to two decades, PM Modi is aware that the anti-incumbency may be slowly catching up. Thus he wants to make it a pitch-battle between Gujaratis and outsider Congress, who have tried to undermine them. Incidentally, it is similar to a strategy used by Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav in UP, where they as 'son of soil' tried to downplay influence of 'bahari' Modi. That didn't end too well for SP-Congress alliance.  As for Gujarat, PM Modi has thrown the first dice. Time for Congress to respond.