The gloomy face of admissions in the state has once again come out. The Admissions Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) on Monday released the mock round analysis for admissions into engineering colleges, following which nearly 27 of 139 colleges saw less than 10% admissions.


Overall, nearly 45% seats remained unclaimed after the round. Of 54,643 seats, 30,600 seats were filled, whereas the 24,043 seats remained vacant.

Interestingly, the number of seats remaining vacant were less in government colleges as compared to self-financed institutes. The difference of vacant seats was huge with 23,715 seats remaining vacant in self-financed institutes as against 328 seats vacant from government college. Out of 43,022 candidates who registered, 39,702 made it to the merit list. Of the 54,643 available seats, 30,600 were allotted whereas 9,102 remained unallocated.

At Silver Oak engineering college, only 77 of 225 seats in mechanical engineering were allotted. At Sal College of engineering, only 18 of 60 seats in civil engineering were allotted. Automobile engineering also failed to attract students.

"Pharmacy has seen massive interest since last years. The biggest concern this year is engineering. Nearly 30% self-financed colleges, which do not have enough faculty strength or facilities, will face difficulty in surviving as they will have less than 30% of strength in a class," Navin Sheth, Vice-Chancellor of Gujarat Technological University, said.